Haduh..berhubung kepala gue lagi mules ditambah lagi perut gue yang lagi pusing mkannya jarang posting lage...
Maklumlah, d jgja lagi musim penyakit ginian, komplikasi mencret dan migran kronis..
Oye, ada kiriman parcel taon baru dari didinot niyh...
isinya gambar2 lumayan bagus deh...
yang pertama
the rules:
1. Each blogger must post this rules!
: mboh lah
2. You need to choose seven people to be awarded and list their names!
: lagi mikir
3. Don't forget to leave them comment telling they've been tagged and read your blog!
: kalo sempet deh...
yang kedua
the rules:
1. Put the award logo on your blog!
: harus kah??
2. Add the link of the person who gave this award!
: ho'oh...
3. Nominate another seven!
: banyak amir...!!!!
4. Leave message to the nomines!
: yoi...
yang ketiga
the rules:
1. Everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post.
: hikz...
2. Everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well.
: yoi lah...!!!
Berhubung gue termasuk orang yang baik hati dan suka menabung, maka gue akan memberikan award ini ke temen2 tercinta gue..cie....
inilah dia temen2 yang mendapatkannya...!!!!
mohon diterima apa adanya...
1. Irham
2. Leo baskoro
3. Eko lele
4. Rizal eek
5. Mini
6. Azki hakim
7. Uud
Yupz....sekian saja. Mudah2an diterima dengan senang hati,
gue tinggal dulu yah, udah kebelet lagi niyh...(^^)
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3 komentar:
Bentar lal.. Ta' ambil kamus dulu :P
Gw masi ga ngerti mksdnya paan???
tapi atas award ini,i want to thanks to:
Allah swt,my inspiring dad & mom,my luvly brother & sister,Djamil brother community,my band,my untouchable luv .... for inspiring me in every moment and of course the unforgetting person "ilal AKA LALI"...
halu lal,,,
be4 na mw ngucapin hEpi nU yEaR 2009 yh,,,
wah sori neh tlat ngucapin ny,,,
btw slmat yh lal buata award ny,,, :D
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